Social Responsibility

Viasat for social

At Viasat, we believe that social responsibility is a key relationship element with all stakeholders (customers, suppliers, institutions, employees and collaborators) and an extraordinary factor of development and competitivity for a more ethical economy that looks to the future of new generations while respecting individuals and the environment in which we live.

Viasat’s solutions and services are always based on a single aim: to improve people’s quality of life by responding every day to our customers’ growing need for assistance, protection and security.

ANIA Foundation and Viasat

In recent years there have been many innovative prevention projects promoted by the Ania Foundation, together with Viasat, such as the ‘Scatola Rosa‘ campaign, a safety project for women to provide immediate help in the event of an accident and to prevent aggression, or the more recent Ania Campus, aimed at the world of two-wheelers, and Guida Sicuro (Safe Driving) for young novice drivers, to provide a technological tool capable of providing preventive and geolocalised information on the specific risks of one’s behaviour at the wheel concerning environmental conditions.

Free to Be, Free to Move.

Viasat was also the technological partner of the ‘Liberi di Essere, Liberi di Muoversi’ (Free to Be, Free to Move) project in 2014, which saw Viasat provide satellite systems for a number of vehicles transporting people with disabilities or motor difficulties.

For several years, Viasat has supported humanitarian initiatives in favor of children, promoted by "Non uno di meno" Onlus of the World Confederation of past alumni of the Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice.

In 2020, ViasatWoods was founded with the goal of planting 150,000 trees in three years in Madagascar’s Ampefy village

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